Children’s Ministry

ChildrensMinistry_340-225Oakton Church of the Brethren is blessed with an active children’s ministry. With over 50 children from nursery to senior high, we have programs for all ages ranging from nursery care for Faith Formation and Worship times, to Senior High Youth fellowship and mission events. Some of our on going programs include:

  • Faith Formation for children ages 2 through high school. Nursery for infants and toddlers.
  • Children’s Church for children ages 4-first grade (ages 4 to 5th grade June-September) during worship.
  • Children’s story in worship for children of all ages.
  • Two children’s choirs: Cherub Choir for ages 4-first grade, and Children’s Choir for second through eighth grades.
  • WAT’s: “Worship Activity Totes” available during worship for children grades 2-6 to help them find meaningful quiet activities to work on in worship that are also tied to the Sunday’s themes.
  • Oakton’s Junior Crossroads, a children’s newsletter is published every other month with news of our children’s ministry activities as well as writings and illustrations from the children in the congregation.

Our children’s ministry is led by our Christian Education Committee, with support from our Director of Family Ministry, Debbie Seidel. 

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